New Releases

It Happened in the Meadow is a love adventure happening in the late 1800s where two young folks found each other, fell in love, and began the adventure of getting married. This becomes their life story filled with discoveries and the needed protection of life. Come and join that adventure....

Sal Miliziano is a follower of Jesus Christ. He never had a desire to write a book until at the age of seventy, when he visited Israel. Since he became a Christian at age eleven, it was his lifelong desire to see where Christianity began, and it was there, in Israel, that Providence took over. He fell deeply in love with Israel and with the Jewish people and...

Are you hungry and thirsty for more of Him, less of you? Is knowing and experiencing Abba Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit important to you? Do you desire to grow in your awareness of His love, presence, power and of who you are in Him? Is greater intimacy and freedom of interest to you? Are you willing to be challenged and transformed?Will you allow the re...

Encountering Divine Presence: One Couple's Memoir of Pain, Death, and Joy details the illness journeys of a married couple, Drs. Brady and Beth Wilson.Brady Wilson, PhD, was diagnosed with a five-pound leiomyosarcoma--a deadly cancer--in 2008 and was treated at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Through a harrowing sixteen-hour "mother of all surge...

Terri Packard was "Smart" till she got married. Meeting Larry changed everything. Terri shares her prayers, poems, and recipes with the readers of this book. This is an intimate look at how God led Terri as she sought His direction for her life in career choices and her marriage. This story is a true Christian romance....

To surrender is to be free of the weight of this world...and the weight of this world is heavy. Day in and day out, we wrestle with our faith. We wrestle to make time for God, to not just read God's Word but to spend time with God in his Word. We struggle to find time or remember to pray, and then our prayer over dinner turns into a Sunday night prayer sessi...

Faustine instinctively knew her fight was over! She was trapped between the Valencian mob and the charging Spanish army! She dropped to her knees out of sheer exhaustion, acutely aware of the Spaniard on the black mustang as he raised his gleaming jewel-handled sword—preparing to strike! She closed her eyes tight, feeling the warmth of the sun one last tim...

This book is about a mythological dragon from a dwarf galaxy that arrives in our galaxy using the Einstein-Rosen wormhole structure. It surveys the surrounding zodiac constellations in our solar system while checking out our planets. Finally, the dragon arrives at our planet Earth, informing its inhabitants of impending doom if their ways do not change. Tic-...

Do you ever think about heaven? Do you ever feel like you are here on earth but something is missing? This book can answer why. We can often feel like a misfit or feel like we are in an alien land. This may cause us to forget our Creator and the plans He has for us. The Christian Misfit is a guide to understanding God and ourselves while on the path to our t...

Promises in the Rainbow is a message inspired by the Holy Spirit. It provides a fresh and deeper perspective on the rainbow and its mystery. Each color is representative of one or more biblical promises. It also represents God's love for us and His hope for us as we grow in our relationship with Him. I invite you on this journey as we explore the promises in...

After graduating at the top of my police academy class, I was given the opportunity to put on a police uniform and serve those around me. I had a blast. Until the inevitable happened. During that time, I experienced what no person ever wants to go through--sexual harassment and, finally, sexual assault by my own brothers in blue. While I loved my line of wor...

"An Airline Pilot's Final Flight to Sobriety," is a narrative memoir and takes place on a metaphorical flight with the landing at the Final Destination, the author's two year sobriety date. The chapters: "Take off," "Climb," "Cruise," "Descent," "Approach," and "Landing" correspond to his life's journey with alcohol, amidst flying in the US Navy, US Customs,...

New Beginnings is a fictional romantic, adventurous story about a mother, Anna, and her teenage daughter, Crissy, moving across the country to a small Southern town in South Carolina while leaving behind pretentious ideals that were engulfing their lives. Anna returns to her Southern small-town roots to reacquaint with her forgotten self as she watched Criss...

Professor Lange, a world-renowned mathematician, and his father, a respected Baptist minister, lived in two very different worlds. One was a world of academia and science, the other of faith. Those worlds miraculously merged one fateful day when the father, in a desperate attempt to connect with his son, issued a challenge. Although skeptical, the professor ...

The uninterrupted and predictable cycle of human desires often demands conquests and betrayals.Several ancient kingdoms find themselves bound in a protracted struggle for individual and collective relief from their common enemy, the Mizar of Fortress Sorek. A young family unexpectedly finds itself in the midst of this life-changing drama that will catapult t...

What if your family tree was not just a page in a photo album? What if it was an actual tree planted in a beautiful field that grows and changes as your family gets bigger and bigger? That's exactly what happens in this story, except one of the branches on a family tree isn't growing. It has tried everything possible to grow! Will another tree help it grow? ...

This book is a collection of poetry centering heavily on practice of examining one's self, looking at once at one's actions and one's motivations, the examining of one's feelings. What are the things your heart longs for?How do you respond to situations when they go well or poorly? I believe that self-examination is important and needful in order to gain a g...

Kathleen sat on the floor with the letters dumped all around her, years of letters that Dean had sent from prison.Her marriage to Dean had failed, and they had divorced. He was incarcerated and serving a sixteen-year sentence.Through the years, she had tossed the letters in a box without reading them--letters about how he had found Christ, letters about how ...

From a thorough understanding of the human history from a Biblical perspective, and knowledge in science and theology author Plammoottil Cherian elucidates a vivid picture of the current state of the Christendom under the power of secularism, atheism, and apostasy in a confused and chaotic world. The Church is at the crossroads of confusion losing its power ...

Just exactly what is on your mind? Could it be thoughts of eternity or maybe every hustle and bustle life throws your way? How about the burdens laid upon an acquaintance or dear family member? Even the humorous tales of life could be entwined within your mind! Whatever the thoughts, you'll be able to relate while enjoying this adventurous, yet sincere, coll...

All the characters are seeking happiness. Each has experienced disappointment and rejection as well as significant losses. Traveling through life, they discover that no one is immune to pain in some form or another, but there is an answer. Steve and Tamara are from different stations in life but find they need each other more than they comprehend....

A university professor accepts a one-dollar bet from a student to run for Kentucky's US Senate seat and win without spending a dollar on TV advertising. Running as a write-in candidate with no party affiliation, the campaign led to an outcome no one saw coming, not even the candidate....

Sarah Ashton experienced great loss and tragedy early in her life, but with the help of her family, friends, doctor, and Caretaker, she seeks to become an overcomer against great odds. Her nemesis, Wylie, tries his best to defeat her as she travels down some dark paths. Can she really have the life she always wanted, or will the past forever hold onto to her...

A Pig with Distinction is a story that focuses on the life's journey of an extraordinary pig named Victoria who has a love for God and the life he gave to her. In her youth on the farm, she lives in tension and turmoil. She shows courage in the face of adversity with the desire to live her life to the greatest potential she can by living a life with excellen...

Tweetiamedia Entertainment combines real-life experiences, humor, health and wellness tips, as well as joyful Bible verses to uplift and inspire. God Is Greater than a Pandemic: Book One of the Tweetiamedia Series was written to encourage and inspire, provide practical information, as well as share the voices of various doctors and scientists who have shared...