In the Secret Place of Thunder tells the story of a woman who came from an atheist belief to know God. After God got her attention with a miraculous deliverance from cigarettes, she had an awesome respect for God! In fact, she loved Jesus so much that she promised Him she would do anything for Him, and that set her on a path of serving God among the poor.

Tells the story of corruption within organized labor and provides an authoritative look inside the union's computer system and the secret methods used to syphon millions from their trust funds. Chris Vincent, the union's trusted computer software vendor, has been drawn into a trap between the Union and the FBI. He has discovered the Union's secrets conspirac...

Addie has been arrested by the GURCD and taken straight to interrogation. The penalty for remaining as jackers and not accepting Namon Gordon's amnesty offer is death. The desperate race to save Addie's life begins. Rian and Kyle are determined to rescue her before it is too late. Before they can get to her, Addie suddenly appears on television. She is a par...

A heartbreaking past...
Twenty-two-year-old Tessa had an exact plan for her life and was determined to achieve wealth and success. When tragedy strikes and destroys everything she has ever known, she is thrust into an unfamiliar world of dangerous vices and lonely misery, which leads to even more trauma. A chance meeting with a friend from college opens he...

There has been an adventure of worldwide experiences with Aaron and Julianna, but does that mean that there is no satisfaction in living in a small town? Having an old classmate who had a crush on you can cause issues in a marriage. Does that cause issues and breakups? How can Aaron keep his life simple, happy, and together forever? This final book of the se...

In a world increasingly filled with ignorance, prejudice, and violence, "The Life of Jewish Jesus," offers a word of hope. This guide provides historical lessons that emphasize education, religious connections, and mutual respect. Authors, Jenny Kiehl, a Catholic religious school administrator, Rabbi, Dr. Albert Slomovitz, a retired military chaplain and col...

Manifesting through faith gives great insight into the manifesting process through prayer and God. Many believe manifesting to equate back to the universe, but ultimately, that is God. It uses specific Bible verses to back up the exercises and practices of manifesting. This allows you to not only manifest things into your life through God but also manifest t...

Zy'rielle is having a hard time in math. She has to find a way to pass her math test. Zy'rielle has to think of something, or she won't be able to attend summer camp with her friends. Will Zy'rielle think of something? Will she be able to attend summer camp with her friends?

Jonah the Cat lives in West Texas with his butler James, and he really does have stinky feet. There's a funny reason for that, and it has to do with cow poop. Jonah and his butler are a team. Not only do they play games and do fun things together, but also they're teammates in a bigger way. You see, Jonah is more than a fun kitty; he's a special helper kitty...

Finley is a small dog who loves to help the firefighters. See how this little pup spends his time riding the fire truck and helping put out fires....

This book is dedicated to Jesus, my forever friend and Savior, and to my family and friends, who helped me get through some very dark places, to a place of light, happiness, and joy. It is about my encounters and relationship with Jesus, which were in the form of healings and miracles, events for which there are no other explanations, except that they happen...

Bonnie was inspired to create her own daily devotional book after reading numerous devotion booklets over the years and attending various women's retreats and seminars. The Bible verses were provided to her from family, friends, and utilizing the Thompson's Chain-Reference Bible. Bonnie encourages people to read the Bible to make their faith stronger. And...

Letting go of old baggage, memories that weigh us down or cripple our dealings with others, is never easy. This work lays a framework for being whole, free, and fully alive again....

Destination Better is a story of hope and encouragement for those who feel like everyone around them is experiencing success and fulfillment. Scripture states in John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."This book will encourage you to push past the lies and strongholds in your min...

As the road crew started working in different spots on the freeway in Arizona, they started finding black garbage bags on the side of the road, each containing body parts. The case would get even deeper than anyone would imagine. As Detective Lucy and her team started to investigate, they would find that they should never trust anything that was in front of ...

In a sky that had no twinkle, stars were shining to and fro, preparing for the Christ Child's birth. Twink wants to help, but what if he can't? Journey through the heavens with the stars as they make ready the gift for the Christ Child....

A club that no one should have to join.
Being a teenager is hard enough as it is, but add your mom dying from cancer three months before your thirteenth birthday, and you've got a real problem. When you should be focused on crushes, grades, sports, and enjoying the last few years of childhood, your head is full of all the what-ifs and what-nows...

At the beginning of time, the Aryan race was a beautiful race of beings from heaven that came to Earth and illuminated as sun gods upon the Earth. Through the thousands of years here on Earth, the Aryan descendants were men of great stature, building and ruling over many great civilizations, where many tribes idolized their gods for their supernatural abilit...

Time-worn and battle-hard without, butter-soft and full of life within. A thousand birds voice wisdom, as we run against the wind.
Neil had always felt his life was meant to be something more than it had become. He had his beautiful children, his home, and his job, everything a person could want, but a shadow hung ov...

The soul--we all have one, even those who don't believe they do. It's not tied only to implying one's rhythmic ability or religious affiliation. However, even more crucial is the aspect of humanity that remains elusive to even the most advanced technology yet is witnessed and manifested every day..Welcome to the transformative journey of unlocking the power ...

Time is not your friend. God's end-time judgment day clock is counting down, and you are not guaranteed tomorrow. Believe the truth of God's Word and so be saved. Or be deceived by the lies of the devil and his deadly demon doctrine and be damned to hell for all eternity. It's your choice! Realize your rebellion against God and repent.

This book addresses four basic topics. The first is the fables and fallacies that exist within the tenets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. These are bound to have a profoundly negative effect upon the eternal spiritual welfare of every adult member, so please read prayerfully and carefully. The second topic is the imaginary conflict betwee...

What do you do with the most gorgeous, powerful, brilliant, and respected woman in your company that turns out to be a condescending, manipulative, narcissistic, lying little witch that everyone hates, can't be fired and refuses to change? Well, you're hosed, unless of course you make the underhanded and unlawful decision to call the agents of IPOC (...

Please Sneeze in Your Sleeve is a book that I wrote to engage early readers. My goal was to create a story that teaches social etiquette while evoking child-like humor.I have a teacher's background but settled into the healthcare industry as a registered nurse. While teaching, I was afforded the opportunity to work with children of all ages. I quickly learne...

No one can be considered truly educated who has not made a careful study of the Bible, especially the New Testament. It is in the Bible that we learn those great truths about how to live and, more importantly, what one has to do to go to heaven. The Bible is the world standard for truth. Jesus said He was the truth, and He gave careful instruction about how ...